Category Archives: Projects
Irish – English Dictionary
The Virtual Experience Company digiised and published the 40,000 page manuscript of Liam S Gogan’s Irish-English Dictionary. The work was a supplement to one of the iconic 20th Century works on the Irish language, Dinneen’s Dictionary. Each slip was microfilmed, scanned and indexed, providing a truly 21st Century version of this iconic work.
Visit the full site here
In association with this project, we also collaborated in the production of a 1-hour TV documentary on the life of LSG. It tells the story of a man who lived through some of the most turbulent times of the 20th Century, not just in Ireland but across Europe.
Put your feet up and click here
Na Coisithe1 from Bandit Films Ireland on Vimeo.
Roman Carmarthen
The Roman occupation of Britain lasted from 43AD until 465AD. The evidence from this period is found across the country in town, roads villas and elsewhere. The town of Carmarthen is one such place where the influence of the Romans lives on. We produced an animation with narration in Welsh and English, describing the history of Roman Carmarthen
A selection of Davy Lamps, modelled for the Royal Institution, London
Lunt Fort
Bodleian Library
Banqueting House
This prioject was developed by Dr Ross Parry of the Unversity of Leicester, with whom we have collobirated over many years
Manchester Museum